The ‘Thread of Thought’ exhibition introduces an innovative installation that seamlessly merges art with academic research. The primary focus of the research is on the digital design and fabrication of crochet, a traditional handcraft, allowing for the creation of intricate 3D structures directly from yarn. Despite its rich history, crochet has yet to undergo industrialized fabrication.
Conducted at the MTRL lab under the guidance of Prof. Aaron Sprecher, with support from secondary advisor and architect Ayelet Karmon, Nix’s research aims to elevate crochet from a manual craft to a form of robotic fabrication. The exhibition showcases an inflatable construction crafted from crochet textiles and fitness balls. The crochet pattern not only defines the installation’s structure but also highlights its potential applications in temporary buildings or shelters.
This unique structure serves as a glimpse into the future, envisioning a robotic fabrication process for such creations, as presented by Nix during the exhibition.
‘Thread of Thought’ was showcased at Periscope Gallery for Neo Craft Tel Aviv, February 2022, curated by Anat Gatenio