Karen Lee Bar-Sinai is a Marie Curie/Eurotech postdoctoral fellow and visiting lecturer at the School of Engineering and Design at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany, as well as at the Civil, Environmental, and Agricultural Robotics Lab (CEAR) within the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Technion. She is a licensed architect with a B.Arch from Technion (1999-2004), an MSc. in Cities from the London School of Economics, UK, as a Chevening Scholar (2006-2007), a Loeb Fellowship from the Harvard Graduate School of Design (LF’ 2013), and a Ph.D. in Architecture from MTRL, Technion (2017-2021) as an Azrieli Research Fellow (2019-2021). Previously, she co-founded SAYA/Design for Change (2005-2017), specializing in architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design.
Her Ph.D. thesis, titled “Territorial-based Robotic Fabrication,” aimed to redirect digital fabrication from an object-centered process to an environment-directed endeavor. Through multi-scale robotic experiments, it developed cross-scalar methods for reconstituting found matter into landscape architecture and architectural structures. The thesis comprised four key aspects: “Informing Grounds,” embedding information within sand and soil; “Customizing Territories,” transforming terrains into dynamic landscapes and structures; “Reconstituting Geomaterials,” converting raw materials into architectural elements and systems using additive manufacturing; and “Contextualizing Additive Construction,” tailoring production processes to specific sites.
Her postdoctoral research, supported by the Rothschild Fellowship (2021-2022) and the Israeli Council for Higher Education (2021), explores modulating grounds for environmental performance using collective robotic construction.
Bar-Sinai, K. L., Alon-Mozes, T., & Sprecher, A. (2023). Editing landscapes: Experimental frameworks for territorial-based robotic fabrication. Frontiers of Architectural Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2022.06.002
Shaked, T., Bar-Sinai, K. L., & Sprecher, A. (2021). Adaptive robotic stone carving: Method, tools, and experiments. Automation in Construction, 129, 103809. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103809
Bar-Sinai, K. L., Shaked, T., & Sprecher, A. (2021). Robotic Tools, Native Matter: Workflow and Methods for Geomaterial Reconstitution using Additive Manufacturing. Architectural Science Review, 64(6), 490–503. https://doi.org/10.1080/00038628.2021.1898324
Shaked, T., Bar-Sinai, K. L., & Sprecher, A. (2020). Craft to site. Construction Robotics, 4(3), 141–150. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41693-020-00044-7
Bar-Sinai, K.L., Shaked, T. and Sprecher, A. (2020), A pedagogical protocol for iterative robotic fabrication on remote grounds, Archnet-IJAR, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 453-468. https://doi.org/10.1108/ARCH-09-2019-0214
Bar-Sinai, K. L., & Shaked, T. (2019). Northern Polarities Canadian Subarctic Impression. Journal of Architectural Education, 73:1, 100–101. https://doi.org/10.1080/10464883.2019.1560814