Yoram Mass


Yoram Mass is an engineer who brings closer the industrial and academic worlds. Beyond his involvement in the management of large national infrastructure projects, his research focuses on the implantation of topology optimization algorithms into the more general 3DCP (3 Dimentional Concrete Printing) project carried by the MTR Lab. He obtained his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at the Technion, after he got a M.Sc. in Microengineering from the EPFL (Switzerland) and a M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Supméca Paris (France).

Previously, he was involved in international infrastructure and building projects in Europe, Israel and Asia, tutor in the faculties of Civil Engineering and Industrial Management at the Technion, and in charge of academic relations in the industry. Dr. Mass is regularly consulted for strategy and management subjects on construction, technical or R&D projects


In peer-reviewed journals

Mass, Y., & Amir, O. (2017). Topology optimization for additive manufacturing: Accounting for overhang limitations using a virtual skeleton. Additive Manufacturing18, 58-73.

Amir, O., & Mass, Y. (2018). Topology optimization for staged construction. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization57, 1679-1694.

Mass, Y., & Amir, O. (2018). Using a virtual skeleton to increase printability of topology optimized design for industry-class applications. Comptes Rendus Mécanique346(11), 1104-1121.

Conference papers

Favre, J., Mass, Y., & Aminian, K. (2007). Study of Punches Performance in Boxe With Inetial Sensors (No. CONF, p. 539). Elsevier.

Mass, Y., & Amir, O. (2016). Topology optimization for additive manufacturing: accounting for overhang limitations using a virtual skeleton. Abstract in European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2016

Mass, Y., & Amir, O. (2016). Topology optimization for additive manufacturing: accounting for overhang limitations using a virtual skeleton. Abstract and presentation in Israeli Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2016

Mass, Y., & Amir, O. (2017). Large-scale three-dimensional topology optimization considering overhang limitations in 3-D printing. Abstract and presentation in WCSMO: 12th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation.

Mass, Y., & Amir, O. (2018). Large-scale topology optimization for additive manufacturing using a virtual skeleton. Abstract and presentation in ESMC: 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference


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